Wednesday 17 February 2016

The Person Standing in front of You

The person standing in front of you
Has gone through ups and downs
Before she was able to stand there
Years of learning, countless times of crying, sleepless nights..
Those were all the basic ingredients
Going through failure, being told that she's not good,
Those too were the spices

The person standing in front of you
Has high hopes in each and every one of you
She sees potential in her students
She only wants a bright future for them
And there she stands
Trying to guide you to the top
Holding your hand so you wouldn't fall
Helping you to go through the tide

The person standing in front of you
Greets you with a smile every day
Even though she's hurting,
Even though she's crying inside
She stands before you
To share the knowledge that she has
She hides her disappointment
She stops her tears from falling
She speaks as if nothing happened

The person standing in front of you
Has a heart
Her silence meant more than you'll ever know
She feels but pretends to be fine
Because she knows..
Nothing changes even if they knew

The person standing in front of you
Have you ever thought about her feelings?
Maybe your world doesn't change
Even if she disappears from your life
But you meant the world to her
You are all her reason to get up every day
She prays for you silently
And always hope that you would be better

The person standing in front of you
Won't be there forever
Someday you will wake up
And no longer hear her nagging
Before that days comes, 
Don't have regrets in your heart
For the words you didn't say,
For the memories you didn't create
For the mistakes you didn't change

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