Saturday 6 February 2016


If you have a twitter account, you need to follow these Educational account and learn something while scrolling down your timeline. You guys are a lucky bunch, being able to live in a time where knowledge comes by easily. Grab this opportunity and follow these accounts if you want to be better in English. You will learn some new words, idioms and even be able to answer SAT quiz (which is totally cool). There are many other interesting educational accounts too, of course. Do share with me if you are following any other English related account. I'd love to check them out too :)

Okay, so @Dictionarycom is a virtual dictionary. Not one where you can find the meaning of some words, but one where you can learn new words from.

@ElitePrepSAT gives you questions that will prepare you for SAT quiz. They are mostly high level grammar questions. Try to answer them before seeing the answer.

@englishjer is an account run by @anwarhadi. If you don't know him, that means you don't hangout around YouTube that much. He's a vlogger. You might wanna check him out if you wanna know what does vlogger mean.

@The-YUNiversity is my favourite account! They give you lots of idioms and grammar explanations. I learn a lot from their tweets.

Alright, so do check them out and follow their account. Even though I'm a teacher, I never stopped finding opportunities to learn something new every day. There are so many things to discover in a language, you can't practically cover everything within your schooling years. Take my advice, follow these accounts and learn something new every day. If you find them helpful, alhamdulillah. If not, you may unfollow them any time you want. That's all for now. May peace be upon you!

1 comment:

  1. Sadly I don't have one. I'm not really into social media. Thanks for the info by the way! I'll find a way.
