Friday 5 February 2016

School Holiday Reminder

Hey everyone!

Happy Holiday!! I'm sure everyone is busy spending time with your family, contacting your friends and probably going to a vacation somewhere and no one would notice that I updated something here. Nonetheless, I would like to give a gentle reminder to all my students about the homeworks that you need to settle before Chinese New Year holiday ends. Lame, I know. It's only been a day and Miss Bazla has started talking about homeworks. Note to her : Get a life!! Anyway, here are the list of homeworks for each class.

4 Ihsan & 4 Imtiaz 2016
1- Please create a blog (if you haven't)
2 - Update your blog - By the end of CNY holiday there should be SIX posts already.
3 - Notes on Tanjung Rhu - Themes, Character & Characteristics, Setting & Moral Values. [Please don't copy from your friends, the Internet or reference book]
4 - Get ready for Oral Test

5 Imtiaz & 5 Ihsan 2016
1- Please create a blog (if you haven't)
2 - Update your blog - By the end of CNY holiday there should be SIX posts already.
3 - Read Dear Mr. Kilmer (it won't take more than a day)
4 - Write notes on the chapter that you need to present (Be ready for presentation)
5 - Get ready for Oral Test

5 Itqan 2016
1- Please create a blog (if you haven't)
2 - Update your blog - By the end of CNY holiday there should be SIX posts already.
3 - Read Dear Mr. Kilmer (chapter 5-10)
4 - Get ready for Oral Test

Okay, that's all for now. Leave a comment if you have anything to ask, or you can contact me through whatsapp (Please don't contact me after 12am because I might not entertain you at that time). Another gentle reminder, please introduce yourself before asking me anything on whatsapp. I'm not a mind reader and I definitely don't have everyone's number in my phone. Have fun everyone! See you after CNY holiday ends.


  1. Don't forget to 'blog walking' mine,teacher :)

    1. Nuril..the url that you gave me was incorrect. It says 'blog does not exist' :/

  2. teacher , how to do the tanjung rhu ? I mean , I have to do an essay or what? huhuhu .

    1. It's basically notes with elaboration. There are 5 themes and you need to explain and elaborate each theme with evidence from the text.

  3. teacher,what can i prepare for oral test?

    1. Find a topic that you would like to share about in class

    2. anything? when will you start the oral test?

    3. Yes, anything. Right after CNY holiday, during every single period class :)

    4. oh okay but teacher i really don't know how to write themes TT

    5. Example of a theme :
      1) Clash of culture - Ah Ma is a person who values tradition and customs while Helen is very modernised and westernised. She speaks English and does not resemble the typical image of a daughter-in-law. This clashes with Ah Ma as she holds strongly to custom and tradition.

  4. teacher,can i post on my blog about recipes?
