Tuesday 12 January 2016

Suggestions for Blog Post

Hey students!

I know writing can be a struggle for some people. To those who love to write, they can do it spontaneously. Those who don't like writing will be stuck if I say, "You can write anything". So here are a few suggestions that I can give. Please take note that you are NOT bound to these topics. Meaning if you have a different topic in mind, you are allowed to write about it. You do NOT have to write based on my suggestions. These suggestions are for those who have no idea at all on what to write about. So here goes..

1 - Biodata (Who are you)
2 - The most embarrassing thing that has happened to you
3 - The saddest memory that you have
4 - What makes you happy? What is the meaning of happiness?

1 - The best movie you have watched
2 - Your favourite song(s)
3 - Your dream
4 - Your weaknesses

1 - The perfect school (based on your imagination)
2 - The best kind of teachers
3 - The world in year 2066 (50 years from now)
4 - My childhood sweetheart

1 - If you can change the world, what would you do?
2 - What machine would you like to invent?
3 - What is your favourite cartoon and why?
4 - Who is your idol?

1 - If you are in Hogwarts...
2 - The best book I have read
3 - If you are an animal, what are you? Why?
4 - If I could change one thing from my past, I would...

1 - My crush
2 - A letter that you would write to your future wife/husband
3 - A letter that you would write to your future son/daughter/child
4 - A letter that you would write to your younger self

1 - The best memory that you have in high school
2 - My favourite actor/actress
3 - What do you think of Halloween?
4 - Would you like Santa Claus to be real? Why?

1 - If Malaysia is a type of food, it would be...
2 - Describe the Malaysia that you dreamed of when you were 10 years old
3 - I love Malaysia because...
4 - I hope Malaysia can be....

1 - The best birthday celebration that I have ever had
2 - The mistake I wish I can erase
3 - The best gift I have ever received
4 - Why I love my friends

1 - If I could go anywhere, I want to go to...
2 - Examination is...
3 - Have I learned a lot in my English classes?
4 - Before I take SPM/Final Exam, I would like to say..

Alright, so let me pin point again that it is not compulsory for you to update your blog based on the topics that I have given. If you suddenly feel like sharing something, by all means, please do so. The objective of this assignment is to make you a better writer. Don't hold back, I'm not going to judge you based on your posts. Last but not least, break a leg everyone!


  1. teacher why is the world being so unfair ?

  2. teacher why is the world being so unfair ?

    1. Because the world is preparing us for the real thing. We gotta go through all the downfalls before we get our happily ever after in heaven.
