Friday 11 March 2016

Mrs Doubtfire

There's been endless programs in the school, so I have not been able to continue my movie night with the F5s. Thankfully, last Saturday I decided to proceed with Movie Night even though they need to study for Formative 1. I strongly believe that taking a break for two hours from studying is a needed break and healthy at times. Non-stop studying can cause depression - All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. Those who wanted to take a break came and watched the movie, the rest studied in their dormitories.

Here are the questions for last week's movie night :-

1) Is it important to have both a mother and father in the house? Explain.

2) Do you like the ending of the movie? Why?

3) If you are the director of the movie, how would you end the movie?

Bear in mind that this is a movie review. The questions that I gave should be answered based on the input that you get after watching the movie. It's also good if you could answer based on your personal experience besides the forthcoming input that you get from the movie. I had a good laugh watching this with the F5s. Only 7 of them watched the movie till the end. The rest were too tired from the Nuqaba' program the whole day. It's okay, at least you guys tried :) Can't wait for the next movie night. 


  1. i've been watching this movie and it's very funny and creative movie *laugh*

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. teacher.. i'm the one of joined nuqaba' program.. because of i really love watch movie.. and i'm very excited with i'm not sleep anymore.. hahaha...😉😉😂

    1. Hahaha that's good to hear. I'm so glad you enjoyed the movie :)
