Wednesday 17 February 2016

The Person Standing in front of You

The person standing in front of you
Has gone through ups and downs
Before she was able to stand there
Years of learning, countless times of crying, sleepless nights..
Those were all the basic ingredients
Going through failure, being told that she's not good,
Those too were the spices

The person standing in front of you
Has high hopes in each and every one of you
She sees potential in her students
She only wants a bright future for them
And there she stands
Trying to guide you to the top
Holding your hand so you wouldn't fall
Helping you to go through the tide

The person standing in front of you
Greets you with a smile every day
Even though she's hurting,
Even though she's crying inside
She stands before you
To share the knowledge that she has
She hides her disappointment
She stops her tears from falling
She speaks as if nothing happened

The person standing in front of you
Has a heart
Her silence meant more than you'll ever know
She feels but pretends to be fine
Because she knows..
Nothing changes even if they knew

The person standing in front of you
Have you ever thought about her feelings?
Maybe your world doesn't change
Even if she disappears from your life
But you meant the world to her
You are all her reason to get up every day
She prays for you silently
And always hope that you would be better

The person standing in front of you
Won't be there forever
Someday you will wake up
And no longer hear her nagging
Before that days comes, 
Don't have regrets in your heart
For the words you didn't say,
For the memories you didn't create
For the mistakes you didn't change

Monday 8 February 2016

Yasmin Mogahed

There’s salvation in admitting defeat.
The peace of prostration.
Just stay still in that position,
With your head lowered.
Stay humbled.
Stay lowered. Until He raises you.
They’ve searched the world
for what can be found in the quietest corners of a room.
They search a million words for what can only be found in silence.
They create a million names for the nameless.
For what can only be found in wordless thought.
Nameless states.
Stop letting it own you.
Let it go.
Let it go for Him and He will honor you.
He will raise you.
I looked on every street corner,
Inside every store window,
In and through both heartache and beauty,
Inside the story within the story,
Behind the sheet music.
Names. We’re always looking for names.
We try to name all of it.
We think that if only we could name each chain,
they would all break.

Maybe I need to live between.
Between the words, the heart,
the space between earth and sky.
Maybe I could live there.
In the space between knowledge and understanding.
Between love and letting go.
In the place where it stops hurting to be so far away.
The place where you’re already there.
In the nameless.
He said, “She feels like a habit I’ll never break.”
Break, so you can break.
The strong fall so they can stand.
There’s salvation in admitting defeat.
Adam (AS) admit defeat.
Yunus (AS) admit defeat.
Nuh (AS) admit defeat.
Ayoub (AS) admit defeat.
Muhammad (SAW) admit defeat.
How can you claim to be strong? --Yasmin Mogahed, "Reclaim Your Heart"

If you haven't heard of the name Yasmin Mogahed, you should start searching for her videos on YouTube. I always find her lectures close to my heart because she talks about things that we go through on daily basis. Attachment especially. Look her up and enjoy her lectures. You won't regret it.

Saturday 6 February 2016


If you have a twitter account, you need to follow these Educational account and learn something while scrolling down your timeline. You guys are a lucky bunch, being able to live in a time where knowledge comes by easily. Grab this opportunity and follow these accounts if you want to be better in English. You will learn some new words, idioms and even be able to answer SAT quiz (which is totally cool). There are many other interesting educational accounts too, of course. Do share with me if you are following any other English related account. I'd love to check them out too :)

Okay, so @Dictionarycom is a virtual dictionary. Not one where you can find the meaning of some words, but one where you can learn new words from.

@ElitePrepSAT gives you questions that will prepare you for SAT quiz. They are mostly high level grammar questions. Try to answer them before seeing the answer.

@englishjer is an account run by @anwarhadi. If you don't know him, that means you don't hangout around YouTube that much. He's a vlogger. You might wanna check him out if you wanna know what does vlogger mean.

@The-YUNiversity is my favourite account! They give you lots of idioms and grammar explanations. I learn a lot from their tweets.

Alright, so do check them out and follow their account. Even though I'm a teacher, I never stopped finding opportunities to learn something new every day. There are so many things to discover in a language, you can't practically cover everything within your schooling years. Take my advice, follow these accounts and learn something new every day. If you find them helpful, alhamdulillah. If not, you may unfollow them any time you want. That's all for now. May peace be upon you!

Friday 5 February 2016

School Holiday Reminder

Hey everyone!

Happy Holiday!! I'm sure everyone is busy spending time with your family, contacting your friends and probably going to a vacation somewhere and no one would notice that I updated something here. Nonetheless, I would like to give a gentle reminder to all my students about the homeworks that you need to settle before Chinese New Year holiday ends. Lame, I know. It's only been a day and Miss Bazla has started talking about homeworks. Note to her : Get a life!! Anyway, here are the list of homeworks for each class.

4 Ihsan & 4 Imtiaz 2016
1- Please create a blog (if you haven't)
2 - Update your blog - By the end of CNY holiday there should be SIX posts already.
3 - Notes on Tanjung Rhu - Themes, Character & Characteristics, Setting & Moral Values. [Please don't copy from your friends, the Internet or reference book]
4 - Get ready for Oral Test

5 Imtiaz & 5 Ihsan 2016
1- Please create a blog (if you haven't)
2 - Update your blog - By the end of CNY holiday there should be SIX posts already.
3 - Read Dear Mr. Kilmer (it won't take more than a day)
4 - Write notes on the chapter that you need to present (Be ready for presentation)
5 - Get ready for Oral Test

5 Itqan 2016
1- Please create a blog (if you haven't)
2 - Update your blog - By the end of CNY holiday there should be SIX posts already.
3 - Read Dear Mr. Kilmer (chapter 5-10)
4 - Get ready for Oral Test

Okay, that's all for now. Leave a comment if you have anything to ask, or you can contact me through whatsapp (Please don't contact me after 12am because I might not entertain you at that time). Another gentle reminder, please introduce yourself before asking me anything on whatsapp. I'm not a mind reader and I definitely don't have everyone's number in my phone. Have fun everyone! See you after CNY holiday ends.